Friday, 10 June 2011

Collection of Works from a Generation Born in Korea and Adopted to Other Countries


Voices from Another Place is a wonderful book for all international adoptive families to read. The feelings expressed by the adult adoptees are genuine and extremely sensitive.

Voices from Another Place: A Collection of Works from a Generation Born in Korea and Adopted to Other Countries

by Susan Soon-Keum Cox

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Book Description
The marvelous collection of autobiographical stories, poems and artwork by adult Korena adoptees about their adoption experience. These articulate men and women share their feelings and their journeys as transracial and transcultural adoptees in their writings and art - from childhood to the present. This is the best book on the experiences of Asian American adoptees available, and I recommend it to anyone interested in transcultural or transracial adoption and families.

The mesh of individuality and creativity of the human spirit shown in this book will catch you by surprise and admiration. Most of the writers and artists who contributed to Voices were adopted from Korea in the 70's and 80's, and are now in their 20's and 30's. Many of the were adopted as infants, however a surprising number were older and retain intriguing memories of their childhood in Korea.

Important themes resonate through the book - the duality of the being Asian American, growing up as one of the few Asians in the area, revisiting Korea, feelings about birthparents, love and respect for family, life as a journey of exploration, and an general attitude of success. Attitudes toward Asian culture and adoption ranging from ambivalence to acceptance to rejection (often depending on lifestage and personality). This book will leave you feeling thougthful and optimistic about the adoption experience and about the incredible value that these "children" offer to the world.

Adoption agencies and adoptive parents should place this remarkable book in their recommended reading lists. Read it for pleasure and to broaden your own depth of understanding of the adoption experience.

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